Thursday, July 3, 2008

Progress ... stalled

I'm a little afraid of walking into the building today as Janet may shoot me ... we've been trying to get the software up and running most of the day - her in the building, me from home. We had it up for a little while, then I flipped a switch or toggle or clicked a button and it all went splat.

Not entirely sure what I did yet, but I'll probably restart from scratch. Thankfully, I hadn't gotten too far along when it went down. I don't think it was a server-side problem, I'm pretty sure it happened while I was trying to activate one of the plugins for the custom theme we'll be using.

The software, WordPress, is essentially just an intermediate piece of code. All of your data (in our case, stories, photos, videos, links, etc.) get stored in a database called MySQL. On the other side of WordPress, you have a theme - a way of controlling how that data gets presented. WordPress does the handoff from one to the other.

We'll feed info into the database on a regular basis, and that seems to be up and stable. The theme we'll be using is fairly complex, slightly more complex than the ones I use on the other blogs I maintain. It contains a few plugins to deal with popular entries and things like that, as well as a handy contact/feedback form. I was working on the feedback form when I crunched it.

I probably owe Janet lunch by now. Though if she finds out we blog about it, she may pass ...


Hollander said...

Having fiddled ages ago -- hell, generations back, computer-wise -- with code and such, I was afraid of this. A lot of stuff doing handshakes and handoffs.

To really pull this off we need a budget to pay a pro geek to slap code, chase bugs, or at least convince people that a bug is really a feature in disguise.

Mark E. Johnson said...

Eh, I think this is me learning a little more than a need for a pro-geek. I set this up on a new site for myself a week ago, we just need to tweek minor things to get it to work. Expect to have it figured out by Monday afternoon, latest.

The server, which Janet is learning, is new, but the software I'm using is well-tested and common. I just need to fiddle.